Interview with Leading Venezuelan Trade Unionist Ruben Linares

(While in Denmark for the Danish Social Forum, Saurobijay interviewed Venezuelan trade-union leader Ruben Linares about unfolding developments and debates in Venezuela.)

Saurobijay: What is the mood among the Venezuelan masses towards struggle against imperialism?

Ruben: The masses are motivated, looking out for a social justice. The masses begin to understand that many of the earlier reforms are attacked by imperialism and their ally. One of the biggest things that are achieved through struggle is getting subsidised medical assistance in the neighbourhoods. Local communities begin to feel that they can have the power to control their everyday lives.

Saurobijay: What is the mood of the masses towards the new party – PSUV formed by Chavez?

Ruben: The masses started rallying on this new party PSUV. Chavez has given a call “Form the Party from below” and it has found echo among the masses. They started feeling that they can construct their own party. On 13th October the first national congress of the party will be held, where there will be national debate on how to form this party.

Saurobijay: Please tell something about the role of the working class?

Ruben: The working class started to play its role in the movement. You cannot have socialism without the participation of the working class.

Saurobijay: How in general the leadership of UNT and rank and file reacts towards joining the new Party?

Ruben: There is a left wing inside UNT. Minority of this left wing led by Orlando Chirino does not want to be part of this new party, while others want. I want to stress that although we are for joining in the party, we are for trade union independence and autonomy of the working class.

Saurobijay: What is position of different left wing forces in Venezuela towards joining the party of Chavez?

Ruben: The majority of the left wing forces joined the PSUV. A portion of the communist Party joined PSUV, where as others stand outside. Two big center left parties (One of which is Podemas) split over this issue.

Saurobijay: What will be the nature of Democracy inside this new party? Will Chavez allow maintaining independence of different left wing forces and publishing their own journals etc?

Ruben: All these will be discussed in the founding Congress of the Party on 13th of October.

Saurobijay: Is it that some of the old bureaucrats, elites will be there inside the Party?

Ruben: Some of the old bureaucrats, elites have expressed their aspiration to be a part of the new party for their interest. UNT on its second congress clearly said “We want a socialist Venezuela, where employers and bureaucrats will not control”. I want to stress that I as a representative of UNT will make my opinion very clear in the congress that the party has to be built without the bureaucrats.

Saurobijay: How do you visualize the Occupied Factory movement?

Ruben: From the beginning this was the movement of the workers against the employers. We from the very beginning have told that if employers shut down the factories we will take over. I should stress on one point that although Chavez was supporting this movement, at the same time there is a labour minister in the government who is attacking the movement.
Saurobijay: What is the role of peasantry, the poor masses in rural areas towards the revolutionary movement?

Ruben: The movement of the peasants is very strong. They demand ‘Land’ from the land owners. But it is not still very clear what role peasants will play inside the new party. I want to say that Chavez supports the demand of the peasants. To cite an example: There was a big landed estate. Chavez asks the land owner “How much land you are cultivating? You need to give the peasants the rest.” Also according to the rule, landowner needs to go to court to prove that he is the owner of the estate.

Saurobijay: Do you believe that Marxism is the only viable alternative to capitalist oppression?

Ruben: The idea of Marxism is the only viable alternative to capitalism and with this we can move towards socialism.

Saurobijay: How do you perceive the role of “Hands of Venezuela” campaign in support of Venezuelan revolutionary movement?

Ruben: In 2002, during the coup against Chavez, they started playing a great role. They tried to spread campaign throughout the world. With this campaign people can know about what is happening in Venezuela. The bourgeoisie media is continuously misrepresenting the Venezuelan movement through out the world. In this context, the campaign is playing a big role.

Saurobijay: We on the part of the CPIML Liberation in India salute the struggling masses of Venezuela to fight against capitalism and imperialism and want to have unity with the struggling people.

Ruben: This is very important. Marx has said “Workers of the world unite.” In reality the working class has no nation. We have to dedicate ourselves to the problems of the workers and fight against capitalism throughout the world.

(Courtesy: Hands Off Venezuela Campaign in Denmark)

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