Organisation - 11th Party Congress of the CPI(ML)


The All India Party Congress

The CPI(ML)’s 11th All India Party Congress was held at Comrade Vinod Mishra Nagar (Patna) in Bihar, from 15 to 20 February 2023. On February 20, the 11th Party Congress elected a new Central Committee, which in turn re-elected Comrade Dipankar as General Secretary. A Central Control Commission was also elected.

The All India Party Congress, convened once in every five years, is the highest decision-making body of the Party. Between two successive Congresses, the Central Committee elected by the Party Congress is the highest decision-making body. The Party Congress also elects the Central Control Commission, which takes up cases in accordance with Article 39 of the Party Constitution. The Chairperson of the Central Control Commission is an ex-officio member of the Central Committee.


Central Committe

1Dipankar BhattacharyaGeneral Secretaryदीपंकर
2Swadesh BhattacharyaMember, Polit Bureauस्वदेश भट्टाचार्य
3Kartick PalMember, Polit Bureauकार्तिक पाल
4Ramji RaiMember, Polit Bureauरामजी राय
5AmarMember, Polit Bureauअमर
6KunalMember, Polit Bureauकुणाल
7Dhirendra JhaMember, Polit Bureauधीरेन्द्र झा
8Janardan PrasadMember, Polit Bureauजनार्दन प्रसाद
9Manoj BhaktMember, Polit Bureauमनोज भक्त
10Shankar VMember, Polit Bureauवी. शंकर
11Rajaram SinghMember, Polit Bureauराजाराम सिंह
12Vinod SinghMember, Polit Bureauविनोद सिंह
13Meena TiwariMember, Polit Bureauमीना तिवारी
14Shashi YadavMember, Polit Bureauशशि यादव
15Abhijit MazumdarMember, Polit Bureauअभिजीत मज़ुमदार
16Sanjay SharmaMember, Polit Bureauसंजय शर्मा
17Ravi RaiMember, Polit Bureau​रवि राय
18Anand MahtoMember, Polit Bureauआनन्द महतो
19Haldhar MahtoMember, Polit Bureauहलधर महतो
20Arindam Sen
अरिन्दम सेन
21Prabhat Chaudhary
प्रभात चौधरी
22S. Balasundaram
एस. बालासुन्दरम
23Bangar Rao
बंगर राव
24Krishna Adhikari
कृष्णा अधिकारी
25Saroj Chaube
सरोज चौबे
26Shubhendu Sen
शुभेन्दु सेन
27Sudhakar Yadav
सुधाकर यादव
28N. Murthy
एन. मूर्ति
29Rajwinder Singh Rana
राजविन्दर सिंह राणा
30Gurmeet Singh
गुरमीत सिंह
31S Balasubramanian
एस. बालासुब्रहमणियन
32Mahboob Alam
महबूब आलम
33Ishwari Prasad Kushwaha
ईश्वरी प्रसाद कुशवाहा
34Salil Datta
सलिल दत्ता
35Prabir Haldar
प्रबीर हालदार
36Yudhishthir Mahapatra
युधिष्ठिर महापात्र
37Partho Karmakar
पार्थो करमाकर
38Bibek Das
बिबेक दास
39Pratima Engheepi
प्रतिमा इंग्हीपी
40Rabi K. Phangcho
रबि कुमार फांग्चो
41Rajiv Dimri
राजीव डिमरी
42Kanwaljeet Singh
कंवलजीत सिंह
43Balindra Saikia
बलीन्द्र सैकिया
44Jayatu Deshmukh
जय​तु देशमुख
45Geeta Mandal
गीता मण्डल
46Manoj Manzil
मनोज मंजिल
47Raju Yadav
राजू यादव
48Arun Singh
अरुण सिंह
50Gopal Ravidas
गोपाल रविदास
51Santosh Sahar
संतोष सहर
52Naimuddin Ansari
नईमुद्दीन अंसारी
53Virendra Prasad Gupta
वीरेन्द्र प्रसाद गुप्ता
54Purushottam Sharma
पुरुषोत्तम शर्मा
55Sudha Chaudhary
सुधा चौधरी
56Phoolchand Dhewa
फूलचंद ढेवा
57Clifton D' Rozario
क्लिफ्टन डी' रोज़ारियो
58R Nagmani
आर नागमणि
59Radhakant Sethi
राधाकांत सेठी
60Tripati Gomango
त्रिपति गोमांगो
61Sucheta De
सुचेता डे
62Jawahar Lal Singh
जवाहर लाल सिंह
63Shriram Chaudhary
श्रीराम चौधरी
66Maitreyi Krishnan
मैत्रेयी कृष्णन
67Kailash Pandey
कैलाश पाण्डे
68Indresh Maikhuri
इन्द्रेश मैखुरी
69Sweta Raj
श्वेता राज
70Niraj Kumar
नीरज कुमार
71Farhat Bano
फ़रहत बानो
72Indrani Dutta
इन्द्राणी दत्त
73Manju Prakash
मंजू प्रकाश
74Kumar Parvez
कुमार परवेज
75Naveen Kumar
नवीन कुमार
76Prakash Kumar
प्रकाश कुमार
77Satyadev Ram
सत्यदेव राम
78Sandip Saurav
संदीप सौरभ
79Arup Chatterjee
अरूप चटर्जी
80RD Manjhi
आर.डी. मांझी
81Raja BahugunaChairperson, CCCराजा बहुगुणा
Special Invitees
1Rubul Sarma 
2Partho Ghosh 
3Rajendra Pratholi 
4Subhash Sen 
5Chaitali Sen 
Permanent Invitees
1Shankarlal Choudhary 
2Prem Singh Gehlawat 
3Brijendra Tiwari 
4Ranjan Ganguly 
5Nirdosh Uppal 


Shyam Gohil 
7Sudama Prasad 


Nitai Mahto 

Central Control Commission

1Raja BahugunaChairperson
2Uma Gupta 
3Nakshattar Singh Khewa 
4Dhiraj Das 

Gender Justice and Sensitization Cell

[ GJSC Rules And Procedures ]
1Rati RaoChairperson
2Junu Bora 
3Shweta Raj 
4Kanika Singh 
5Rajendra Pratholi